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Writer's pictureJULIET KENDALL

Good Skincare Foundations!

Skin, Skincare, Hove, Facials, Skin Clinic, Treatments
The Skin Studios Skincare Foundations

After working in this industry for 11 years I know that foundations are everything for great skin!

When I talk about foundations I really mean starting simply.

You can always add as you go on, rather than overwhelming yourself with lots different products that you will never use consistently because it just wouldn't fit in with your morning and evening routines.

There are 3 very important types of products that are KEY for supporting and looking after your skin! You can always add to these once you get used to using every morning and night!

1. CLEANSER - The number one product you should be getting first is a great Cleanser one that suits your current skin type. This is so important because this product will be prepping your skin for what you will be putting on next. Start with a Cleanser that you can use both morning and night.

2. SERUM OR OIL - A serum or nourishing oil to use morning and night after cleansing is great to give your skin the antioxidants, hydration and nourishment it needs. I really love pure rose hip oil, Vitamin C or Hyaluronic Acid serums for all skin types.

3. SPF - A MUST every morning on top of your Serum or Oil ALL YEAR! UVA and UVB rays are around every day even in Winter they maybe a little weaker but they are still there breaking down our DNA in our skin cells. An SPF will protect you from this damage. On summer days in the UK you need to apply more often throughout the day to keep skin protected as the rays will be stronger.

One of my favourites at The Studio is IMAGE Prevention, its a moisturiser and SPF in one and suits all skin types:

That is it 3 foundation products to get your skin into a good state and maintain it. It really is as simple as that, all you need to do is be consistent with using them and the results will speak for themselves.

If you have any questions please email us Here we will be delighted to help you on your skin journey.

Juliet x

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